Our services include disassembly, inspection, and cleaning, as well as rebuilding and repairing worn parts of the clock. We polish and burnish the pivots, pull the main springs out of the barrels, and regrease them after cleaning. By disassembling the clock in its entirety, we ensure that each part of the clock is cleaned thoroughly and will work at top capacity. A Precision Clock Repair uses bronze bushings as part of a guarantee that the clock will run smoothly and have a longer lifespan. Bushings realign the gears so that the power is transferred properly.
We also specialize in repairing antique clocks, and we strive to preserve the integrity of the antique through our repair. We carry many antique movements, such as Gustav Becker, Junghans, Schlenker & Kienzle, Hamburg American. Any clock that has been completely rebuilt (all gears bushed) by us has a one year warranty on labor.